

Hello :) My name is Joe Jarlett and I'm a self employed developer / coach / consultant / producer.

In my youth, I discovered a desire for exploration and an uncommon determination. After completing my studies in acoustics and sociology, I relocated to Bristol.

During my twenties, I was heavily involved in the entertainment industry, working as both a performer and technician across a broad range of digital and acoustic groups. I also excelled in music software design, earning a distinction in my master's degree.

In my thirties, I ventured into world of business, co-founding and co-directing a highly successful company that specialized in creating online learning software for small and large enterprises.

Following the company's success, I indulged in a passion for psychology, philosophy, and the arts, which is where I am currently. The future remains unwritten.

Exploring the present

Interests Epistemology, Philosophy, Psychology, Environment, Music/Art, Software Development
Values Balancing intuition and truth, breaking boundaries, embracing agapic love for all domains including myself, family, friends, community, and the environment.
Direction After dedicating a significant amount of time to developing practical skills, I now aim to shift my focus towards observation and discovering healthier ways of being. Ultimately, my goal is to live a life that benefits the environment.